Eliminate Re-typing Invoices
With the TimeLinx Accounting Platform (TAP), you can eliminate time-consuming and error-prone re-entry of the information needed to produce accurate invoices. TAP passes the financial data for jobs and projects in both directions between your accounting/ERP system and TimeLinx PSM that’s embedded within the CRM system. Revenues, expenses, margins, Job Cost, G/L numbers, staff data, detailed notes, and more can all be transferred based on the configuration you need.
Banish typing and re-keying from spreadsheets and other applications. TimeLinx will accurately calculate all appropriate costs and revenues, allow for up to 3 approvals of the work, and then pass information to your accounting/ERP system via the TAP — ready for invoicing.
Consisting of an open module logic module embedded within TimeLinx PSM, TAP is purpose-built for each accounting system. TAP can be customized to specific business requirements and can pass information to payroll, order entry, accounts receivable, and other ERP modules. The TAP module is licensed on a system-wide basis based on the total number of licensed TimeLinx PSM users of all types.
Watch this brief video example demonstrating how the TimeLinx Accounting Platform integrates with Sage 300 but works with most systems from Sage, and Quickbooks.