TimeLinx Features

Explore All You Can Do With TimeLinx

Project & Job Management

Whether you call them jobs, projects or work orders, field service and service incidents are all embedded in a single system that provides a seamless process from Lead to Opportunity to Service to Invoice. The functions listed below are all part of a "standard" TimeLinx(TM) system, with a few optional items like our mobile app, ERP integration that are listed at the bottom. TimeLinx has no data limitations and therefore no extra costs for large volumes of data. TimeLinx is available installed on your own on-premise server, your own cloud server, or a public cloud server such as Amazon Web Services, which we who use for hosting our customer systems.


Manage and track all Customer information, sales opportunities, customer support, activities and scheduling, document tracking, lead management, email campaigns and more are part of our CRM system offerings. Integrated with or without TimeLinx, our Infor and Sage CRM implementation skills offer 70+ years of combined CRM experience to ensure that you make the best choice for your unique business. Whether you are implementing CRM for the first time, adding on to an existing system, or changing to a new CRM provider, our capabilities and 23 years of implementation experience with service businesses provides options not available elsewhere.


Begin to understand the true cost of sales with documented time spent by salespeople to close a deal. The functionality to record time and expense are within the CRM's sales Opportunity so salespeople can record the time they've invested in prospect calls and meetings, plus expenses for on-the-road sales calls. Learn what it really cost to win the deal and roll that into calculating your selling price!

Scheduling & Dispatch

Centralized activity management of your entire staff, teams, equipment, tools, and vehicles while overlaying with conflicting sales appointments using the TimeLinx Scheduler, Gantt charts, and Alerts system, plus skills/certifications, location, team, availability, costs and more to provide a complete picture for allocating resources and getting the right users to the right place at the right time.

Gantt Charts

Not everyone uses or needs them, but when you're juggling many jobs at once with one or many resources, the TimeLinx Project, Resource, and Portfolio Gantt views let you visualize and quickly alter your resource allocations and work scheduling weeks and months in advance. With advanced filters for departments, skills, and locations, plus Baseline, Auto-Scheduling, Critical Path and tight integration with the TimeLinx Scheduler and Notifications, our purpose-built Gantt system will be a powerful tool in your services arsenal.

Project P&L's

You can't play a baseball, soccer, or football game without a scoreboard in view of the players. So how can you possibly manage work if your project managers can't see financial performance as the work is delivered. Finding out you lost money after the job is done is a little late, don't you think?


Control Job budgets to meet customer expectations and your contractual commitments. Job and Task Budgets keeps work profitable and customers happy. Our Alerts and Notifications system will notify when you're reaching a set percentage before exceeding the budget.


If you accept prepayments or deposits for work to be delivered, TimeLinx will track those funds against work as it's performed across multiple jobs. You'll know every day for every job how much money is still available for each customer before letting TimeLinx request additional funds. Retainers even track separately for every job when doing multiple jobs for the same customer!


Eliminate every spreadsheet with real-time capture of work notes, work time, start and end times (if desired), work breaks, travel time, mileage entry, plus signatures, work photos, sketches and more. Options include our SmartMobile(TM) v3 or TimeGrid(TM), a spreadsheet-like entry system for rapid weekly time, expense and work details entry.


An integral part of delivering work is the entry of out-of-pocket costs (screws from a local hardware store), sub-contractor invoices, travel costs, or any other customizable expense to understand (or invoice) the true costs of work delivery. From simple expenses like parking to complex entries like mileage - even in multiple currencies.


It all comes down to delivering customer work, managed as Tasks in TimeLinx. Record all the details of work to be done, who it's assigned to, the schedule and more, integrated to the TimeLinx Scheduler, Dispatch, Gantt charts, Retainers, Milestones, Budgets, Contracts, and more. When everything is integrated, there is nothing more powerful.

Asset Management

Is your filing cabinet filled with paperwork on the products your customer have purchased from you. Let TimeLinx take over that job by beginning the process with electronic quoting that eliminates re-entering the information. Asset tracking can become a single-entry process that extends into our SmartMobile for repairs to customer assets or replacements in the field, and vehicle 'warehouse' inventory tracking.


Manage contracts for services right within the customer record. Record Contracts for maintenance plans, jobs, and more. Linking the Contract to the job means that every time record is recorded against a Contract automatically for analysis of your service costs vs. the price you charged for the Contract, and keeping full histories over the years.


It's easy to see that turning a customer "cry for help" into a deliverable task makes sense in a services system. Whether you call it a Case, Ticket, Incident, or Work Order, it needs to be recorded, assigned, and completed. Of course, it also needs to be tracked, scheduled, managed, invoiced (if not already on a TimeLinx service Contract), and costed along the way with financials put into your ERP. TimeLinx extends a CRM's incident tracking with advanced billing and cost capabilities to capture all time spent.


Milestones set for a job or project enables revenue recognition and invoice triggering when milestones are achieved, with automated notifications, internal "next task" forwarding, or customer or staff notifications when additional payments are due.

Document Attachments

Delivering work can require access to documents. Whether it's the original quote, a Statement of Work (SOW), a contract, a checklist, equipment specs, instructions, photos (including your phone camera), or other documents, once attached they will be available in the correct job within TimeLinx.


When time or expenses are recorded with a system like TimeLinx that can pass the revenues, costs, and expenses into your accounting system, you don't want that data to be transferred until it's been reviewed and approved, rejected, or corrected by a manager. Our approval capabilities makes quick work of getting invoices out the door without the need for pro-forma invoices that hold up the delivery. Various filters allow managers with specific permissions to easily see what needs review with up to three different permission levels.


Integrated workflows will get your "best practices" processes repeated by all your teams across departements in a consistent manner, The workflow engine can also trigger alerts, write data to another system, change field values, send an email, deliver a report on schedule, tell someone it's "your turn at bat" and much more. The graphical drag 'n' drop system is a wonder at what it will do for you.

Audit Trails

Sometimes you need to know "who did what and when?" at any time in the past. Choose the fields you want to audit and TimeLinx will track it automatically recording the original data, the new value plus the date, time and person who made the change. Want to run an automated report periodically or be notified when something is changed? The TimeLinx Web Reporter and Alerts systems are the perfect tools for that.

Scaleable & Customizable

There is nothing better to ensure success than a database that is tailored to your specific data collection requirements and allows unlimited growth. And nothing worse than a database that doesn't! TimeLinx databases are designed from the ground up to be tailored to your business needs. Limited changes to field labels simply doesn't cut it in today's world of technology.

Optional Features

Mobile Field Service App

Our secure SmartMobile(TM) v3 app for iOS and Android phones provides "work anywhere anytime" with time, expenses, signatures, parts, materials, checklists, travel, maps, photos & more. As a "mobile-first" app that does not require a full-time Internet connection, SmartMobile v3 enables workers in non-internet areas to keep working and record all the details of the job without interruption or data loss.

Accounting/ERP Integration

Eliminate Manual Re-typing and Spreadsheets!
Using the TimeLinx Accounting Platform ("TAP") integration, you will eliminate time-consuming and error-prone data re-entry from spreadsheets or handwritten forms to create invoices. TAP passes financial data from TimeLinx into your accounting system including revenues, job costs, expenses, detailed notes, and more.

Alerts & Notifications

Our event system will alert you about all the important stuff: projects reaching any threshold you create including tasks falling behind, new jobs created, new time submitted, work needing approval, etc, so that your team can manage by exception. With TimeLinx PSM, simply pay attention to the important items and ignore the normal events.

Electronic Quotes

TimeLinx provides out-of-the box integration using the base CRM's quoting system that passes quoted products and services into the job when the deal is won. Or use QuoteLinx(TM) for more advanced or highly complex quotes that are created, delivered, tracked, accepted, and paid electronically!

Business Intelligence & Reporting

Using the TimeLinx Web Reporter to rapidly create and run any report you need - on demand or delivered on varying schedules to different users in different formats automatically. Use the ones that come in a TimeLinx Alerts bundle to copy then change, or build your own.

Defect Tracking

When you produce software or a product that might incur defects during production, TimeLinx will track and manage those defect activities including automated notifications when the defect is fixed. An optional integrated portal including downloads and version tracking can enable customers to easily fix their own systems.

Custom Forms

In 2015 we were asked by a customer to replicate a paper form they used to record certain unique customer information. Voila, TimeLinx WebForms was born. Purpose-built for TimeLinx, electronic forms will precisely replicate your paper forms to store reportable data without the work of adding customized fields to your database.