CRM Solutions

We made our name implementing CRM systems during the 1990’s when the term CRM had not been coined yet and was called “Contact Management”. Over 500 Contact Management/CRM implementations later, TimeLinx was formed in 2001 to bring to the world the very first project management system based on the design of a CRM system, taking advantage of all the functionality present in a CRM. The initial concept was that “you don’t stop managing a relationship when you deliver work.”  In fact, delivering work is difficult and maintaining the relationship is even more critical. 

Therefore, it made sense that that data that is collected during the selling phase be available during the delivery phase when the customer may need more handholding, work may go wrong, or information collected during the sales process  is needed for reference.

To support the TimeLinx functionality, we have remained in partnership with our two global CRM partners, Sage and Infor. To date, we have not seen other systems that are truly different.  At the Corporate level, their advantages are many.


  • …are global public companies with sales exceeding USD $3b and resources to do anything
  • …have product lines that continue to evolve with ongoing technology improvements
  • …have global customer bases in both the CRM and accounting/ERP worlds
  • …have vast experience with small to global customers providing a world of practical business
  • …Large product development teams
  • …have large technical support and customer service teams
  • …have large Partner communities to service and support customers
  • …have a laser-beam focus on their customers 

We are proud to have 20 years partnerships with both, and are confident that with our experience and skills, we can implement a world class CRM environment for you, including ERP integrations and TimeLinx where appropriate.