TimeLinx Business Intelligence

TimeLinx Business Intelligence (BI)

The power of TimeLinx is reflected in these samples of the BI dashboards for our TimeLinx Infor CRM product line. The financial and performance data shown represent the kinds of data that TimeLinx produces as it goes about its daily work of managing, tracking, and controlling project performance. Using the Microsoft Power BI platform, these can be modified and new dashboards created as needed by anyone with Power BI experience.

Running standalone, a URL can be provided to a user for management of a specific area relevant to that user. These dashboards can also be embedded within the Infor CRM UI itself on specific screens or tabs to show graphical representations of the relevant data in TimeLinx.

The samples shown here are just some of the dashboards included in the TimeLinx BI Reporting Package for Infor CRM.

Running standalone, a URL can be provided to a user for management of a specific area relevant to that user. These dashboards can also be embedded within the Infor CRM UI itself on specific screens or tabs to show graphical representations of the relevant data in TimeLinx.

Sample Business Intelligence Dashboards for Infor CRM:

Capacity Analysis
Earned Value KPIs
Project P&L Analysis
Service Revenues by Type, Source, Location
WIP Analysis
Revenues and Targets
Revenue with Criteria