TimeLinx Reporter for Infor CRM

TimeLinx Reporter is the powerful, easy-to-use report writer for TimeLinx, Infor CRM or both.
Creating reports is a snap with the TimeLinx Reporter Wizard! We’ve done all the hard work by only showing usable tables and clearly-labeled fields. Without any programming knowledge, easily create the reports needed to help run your business. Custom reports that would take HOURS to build in Crystal Reports you’ll do in minutes. Really!!
TimeLinx Reporter allows you to:
- Create beautiful, formatted reports you can be proud of
- Gain better control and visibility over profit margins
- Increase visibility into sales performance
- Improve business intelligence with one reporting system
- Accurate statistics and metrics for reporting
- Greater visibility into client needs and support users all year

Pre-defined reportable tables and fields let you drag your report fields from the list on the left to the right column. Because the data dictionary is pre-defined, it’s that easy. Really!