What’s new in 2021 R1
This release provides new features and enhancements in the following areas:
- Increased business efficiencies around Password Management – reset your passwords in real-time, 24 x 7.
- Advanced tailoring capability through Inline customization of Lists and Grids – see how your list appears before and after you apply your changes.
- Single click operation for telephone numbers – telephone numbers displayed within CRM screens are presented as HTML hyperlinks to allow click-to-dial capability.
- OAuth 2.0 helps you connect to Outlook or Gmail clients – integration capability with both Outlook and Gmail mailboxes using OAuth 2.0.
CRM version 2021 R1 also includes several fixes for reported issues and information about discontinued features. For details on what is included in the release, please refer to the Release Notes.
Download instruction
Important: If you use third-party products that integrate with Sage CRM, check with the vendor of your third-party product to ensure their product is fully compatible with this release. If you integrate with other Sage products, check with your business partner or Sage to ensure that these components are compatible.
To upgrade to the latest product update, contact your Sage business partner or download the product update from the Sage Knowledgebase:
- Click the link to access the download article:
Download Sage CRM 2021 R1 - If you are prompted to log on, enter your Customer Portal username and password, and then click Log on.
To access help documentation, guides or software requirements, visit the 2021-R1 | Sage CRM Help Center.