TimeLinx provides additional features in the form of add-on modules for those that require additional functionality to our base products. They supplement TimeLinx or our CRM products for specific industries or functional requirements.
TimeLinx SmartMobile v3™
TimeLinx SmartMobileTM v3 is a comprehensive app for the mobile worker. It functions even without a permanent internet connection. This allows personnel to work in areas where an internet signal is not permitted or is unavailable.
TimeLinx Accounting Platform (TAP)
The TimeLinx Accounting Platform (TAP) eliminates time-consuming and error-prone typed re-entry from spreadsheets or other applications where your staff records their work. TAP can be configured to pass labor revenue, labor costs, expenses, detailed notes and more directly into your accounting system after an approve/reject review within TimeLinx for each entry.
TimeLinx Alerts & Notifications
Keeping informed about critical information in your TimeLinx PSM system is the key to moving projects and tasks forward without skipping a beat.
TimeLinx AlertPak
The AlertPak is the companion to TimeLinx Alerts and Notifications. Consisting of a set of pre-configured alerts, the AlertPak will save time and money by providing the most common alerts our customers use.
TimeLinx QuoteLinx™
QuoteLinx is the integration of Quotewerks to Infor or Sage CRM, automatically passing a quote after acceptance into TimeLinx for delivery of the work, making your service and sales teams more efficient, consistent, professional, and competitive.
TimeLinx Reporter™
Creating reports is a snap with the TimeLinx Reporter Wizard! We’ve done all the hard work by only showing usable tables and clearly-labeled fields. Without any programming knowledge, easily create the reports needed to help run your business. Custom reports that would take HOURS to build in Crystal Reports you’ll do in minutes. Really!
TimeLinx Business Intelligence (BI)
The power of TimeLinx is reflected in these samples of the BI dashboards for our TimeLinx Infor CRM product line. The financial and performance data shown represent the kinds of data that TimeLinx produces as it goes about its daily work of managing, tracking, and controlling project performance. Using the Microsoft Power BI platform, these can be modified and new dashboards created as needed by anyone with Power BI experience.